Your connection to the Catholic community of New York

Your connection to the Catholic community of New York

Dates for the closures and mergers are to be determined in meetings over the next nine months. The process is expected to be concluded by Pentecost in June 2025.


Our Sunday Visitor

Padre Hernán, S.J. comparte la rica historia de 25 años de la celebración y cómo representa el orgullo de sus feligreses provenientes de diferentes partes de México.


Fr. Hernán, S.J.

Father Hernán, S.J. shares the celebration’s rich 25-year history and how it represents the pride of their parishioners from different parts of Mexico.


Fr. Hernán, S.J.

As the Holy See’s Mission to the UN marks its 60th anniversary this year, Cardinal Dolan speaks with Archbishop Gabriele Caccia, the Vatican’s UN Envoy here in New York, about the work they do to give a “voice to the voiceless.


Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan

Cardinal Dolan

“Thank God, the Church is now recognized as one of the acclaimed agencies greeting the incoming people, now mostly from Latin America. Our own Catholic Charities has received national acclaim for its heroic work welcoming them.”

The names of the twelve apostles are not mentioned in Luke’s Gospel today, but there are the names of three amazing women who followed Jesus and materially supported His mission.


The Good Newsroom

In his video today, Cardinal Dolan points out the importance of the Pope’s recent Apostolic Journey to Southeast Asia and Oceania.


Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan

Since 1973, the Catholic Church in the United States has observed October as “Respect Life Month.”


The Good Newsroom

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The firehouse of FDNY Battalion 9 comes together in remembrance of the September 11th attacks each year to honor the lives of those lost.
Leading up to September 29, the Catholic Church in the United States will celebrate National Migration Week (September 23-29).


The Good Newsroom

El evento de tres días tuvo lugar en la Iglesia de San Miguel Arcángel.


Armando Machado

The three-day event took place at St. Michael the Archangel Church.


Armando Machado

Luis Miranda Jr., presidente fundador de Hispanic Federation, co-fundador de MirRam Group, y padre del actor, productor y cantante Lin-Manuel Miranda, habla con The Good Newsroom sobre la importancia de celebrar el Mes de la Herencia Hispana y conmemorar los aportes del talento hispano en Broadway a través de la nueva exposición “¡Viva! Broadway: Ayer, hoy y mañana”. Además, nos habla de su fe y la importancia de que la Iglesia ayude a la comunidad hispana a seguir adelante.


Fernanda Pierorazio

El Obispo Joseph Espaillat y otros dirigirán la reunión en español.


Armando Machado

The gathering is offered to "all Spanish-speaking Catholics who are yearning for an encounter with Christ, formation in the faith, and empowerment for mission."


Armando Machado

In today’s Gospel, the sinful woman anoints the feet of Jesus.


Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan

In his video today, Cardinal Dolan explains the phenomenon of San Gennaro, the feast celebrating St. Januarius, and the miracle of his blood.


Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan

The Albert V. Maniscalco Community Service Award was presented at Monsignor Farrell High School, where Bishop Whalen was previously a student, teacher, and principal.


Steven Schwankert

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